Our Teaching and Learning Philosophy
At Croydon North Kindergarten, we aim to provide a warm and welcoming environment in which children feel worthwhile, valued and safe to explore and make sense of their world.
We believe that children learn best through meaningful play, which is active, engaging, open-ended and creative. Through both intentional teaching, the scaffolding of children’s interests and self-directed investigations, we endeavour to support children’s learning and encourage them to extend themselves and their understandings.
We value the insights of parents and believe that children are best able to achieve their potential when we encourage a strong link between home and kindergarten, collaborate with parents and welcome their participation in the program.
Children respond to a sense of belonging and security within their environment. Together with the children, we develop a learning environment that promotes social responsibility, honesty and respect and consideration of self and others.
We believe it is important for children to experience and explore their place in the broader community, to extend their understanding of the world in which they live and to show respect for the environment.
"Play gives children a chance to practise what they are learning"